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'Blant' indicates that the figure has a relationship of laterality to more than two grounds, which do not coincide
An example of the use of "blant" is "Blant bøkene lå en avis" meaning "Among the books lied a news paper". Here the located object is the news paper and the reference object is the books. The relation here is that of being in the intermediate range of other objects. Another examples is the phrase 'blandt sine egne', which means to be among ones likeminded - and is slightly more abstract, since Figure and Ground need not to occur in the same space but rather entertain multiple relations in a social space.

Revision as of 21:31, 23 May 2009




Suzann Pettersen gikk lørdagens runde ett slag under par og er på delt 7.-plass tre slag bak lederne i LPGA-turneringen.

In this case, the located object is "Suzann Pettersen's score", and the reference object is "lederne i LPGA-turneringen's score". bak is not only used in positioning objects but also in ranking them.

Vi tror at Taliban i Pakistan står bak angrepet på politiskolen i Lahore i dag, sier landets innenriksminister.

In this case, the located object is "Taliban i Pakistan", and the reference object is "Angrepet på politiskolen". In this case, the posteriority is to be understood in a more abstract sense as neither the organization itself (though its members may be) nor the attack (though its consequences may be) are instances in space. Bak when used together with 'stå' introduces causality. stå bak means 'to cause' without that the causer can directly be linked to the event caused.


An example of the use of "blant" is "Blant bøkene lå en avis" meaning "Among the books lied a news paper". Here the located object is the news paper and the reference object is the books. The relation here is that of being in the intermediate range of other objects. Another examples is the phrase 'blandt sine egne', which means to be among ones likeminded - and is slightly more abstract, since Figure and Ground need not to occur in the same space but rather entertain multiple relations in a social space.


The figure has a close proximity to the ground, which is often animate. The two entities never coincide and the figure is never contained in the ground. i

'i' indicates that the figure has a relationship of interiority to the ground.


The figure has a relationship of interiority to the ground, which is an enclosed space. 'Innenfor' does not have any other locational meanings.


The figure is coinciding with the ground, and has a relationship of laterality to it


The figure has a relationship of laterality to two grounds, who do not have a relationship of laterality to each other


The figure has a relationship of exteriority to the ground.

ovenfor The preposition ovenfor is used to indicate that the relation between the figure and the ground is one of superiority, but not of coincidence.

In simpler terms: Object1 is ovenfor another object if it is located over that object - that is higher than it and in the space above it - but not if Object1 is touching the other object.


The figure and ground are anterior to each other

'På' has a basic meaning which means that the figure is superior to, as well as coinciding with, the ground. However, many other uses of the preposition 'på' are in use in Norwegian today.


The figure has a relationship of exteriority to the ground.


'Under' indicates that the figure has a relationship of inferiority to the ground.

Directional preposition

Directional prepositions combine with verbs and encode direction and additional information to complement the events taking place


Fra encodes the source of a movement, or origin of an entity.


'Mot' indicates that the figure has a relationship of coincidence to the ground.


This expression encodes a path from one end of the ground to another.


Encodes the ground as being the goal of a path.


Encodes the goal of a path that is being accomplished.